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-Posted On December 31, 2011 In Bicycle Accidents-

Mission District Car Meets Bicycle Crash Sends Bicyclist to Hospital

I must report that a Mission district bicycle car crash caused serious personal injuries a few nights ago. A cyclist went out for a ride on Wednesday night, December 21st only to be struck by a car and to suffer personal injuries at about 8:19pm at 17th and Valencia in San Francisco.  The injuries were serious enough to necessitate a visit to the hospital. Fortunately, the cyclist was conscious and talking as police blocked 17th Street to traffic to allow emergency crews to respond.  According to the police a four-door Toyota sedan with front-end damage was stopped near the scene…
-Posted On December 27, 2011 In Muni Accident-

Another San Francisco MUNI Bus Pedestrian Death

With sympathy, and frustration I report another San Francisco MUNI vs. pedestrian fatality which occurred last month. The MUNI death happened on Mission St. between 5th and 6th Streets on Sunday, November 13, 2011. Over a month later, this injury news is still important, and should not be hidden and ignored. Failing to pay attention while driving or driving recklessly can and often does lead to serious personal injuries or even deaths.  It is essential that the details and facts surrounding these types of MUNI accidents be uncovered, with hopes of learning from past mistakes.  Changing unreasonable conduct by MUNI…
-Posted On December 22, 2011 In Automobile Accident-

NTSB Expresses Concerns About Distracted Driving

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommends a ban on all personal electronic devices while driving.  Despite the new fines imposed in California for texting-while-driving from a cell phone while driving an automobile, I still hear about fatal accidents and serious personal injuries which result from this most obvious form of distracted driving.  I am supportive of NTSB’s recent decision to recommend a national ban on the usage of all personal electronic devices while driving a motor vehicle.  NTSB bases its decision on findings from various national statistics on distracted driving, as I have also discussed in the past. …
-Posted On December 5, 2011 In Head and Brain Injuries-

Post-Concussion Syndrome From Motor-Vehicle Accidents and Other Trauma

Brain injuries are increasingly becoming recognized as serious health concerns in the U.S. From severe traumatic brain injury to relatively mild concussions, blows to head can have lasting negative health consequences. For people with brain injuries and associated conditions like post-concussion syndrome from motor-vehicle accidents, compensation may be available to help with treatment and rehabilitation costs. Traumatic brain injury can occur in car crashes and other instances of sudden acceleration or deceleration when the brain hits the inside of skull, damaging delicate brain tissue. The Mayo Clinic states that concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury that can…
-Posted On November 30, 2011 In Bicycle Accidents-

Bicyclists Beware: Most Likely Places To Be Injured in San Francisco and Bay Area

All San Francisco bicycle enthusiasts know that, despite the positive aspects of cycling to work or around town, riding in city traffic can be dangerous. Unfortunately, motorists always create some danger for bicyclists, but this danger is even worse at some specific San Francisco intersections. It is my job as a San Francisco Bicycle Accident Attorney to learn first hand just how dangerous these city streets actually can be for cyclists. I am proud to live in a bicycle-friendly city such as San Francisco and always smile when I see specifically marked bicycle lanes and unique, descriptive signs at intersections…
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