Common Catastrophic Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents

-Posted On September 15, 2024 In Pedestrian Accidents-

During a collision with a motor vehicle, pedestrians often bear the brunt of the impact. These accidents can result in catastrophic injuries: severe, life-altering damage that can affect the victim’s independence, livelihood, and overall quality of life. From shattered bones to permanent brain damage, catastrophic injuries in pedestrian accidents often leave victims grappling with long-term physical, emotional, and financial challenges.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are one of the most severe outcomes of pedestrian accidents. When a pedestrian’s head strikes the vehicle or pavement, it can cause bruising, bleeding, or tearing of brain tissue. 

TBIs can cause permanent cognitive impairment, memory loss, personality changes, and even coma. Victims often require extensive rehabilitation and may develop lifelong disabilities, dramatically altering their ability to work, maintain relationships, and enjoy daily activities.


The violent impact of a pedestrian accident can lead to the loss of limbs, either at the scene or through necessary surgical intervention. Amputations can permanently alter a person’s mobility, independence, and self-image. Victims face a challenging journey to recovery, which may involve adapting to prosthetics, relearning basic tasks, and coping with phantom limb pain and psychological trauma related to their injuries. 

Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal cord injuries occur when the delicate nerves within the spinal column are compressed, severed, or otherwise damaged. In pedestrian accidents, the force of impact can violently jolt or twist the body, causing serious damage to the spine. 

These injuries can result in partial or complete paralysis, with damage that occurs higher up on the spinal cord leading to more extensive paralysis. Victims may require lifelong assistance with daily tasks, specialized medical care, and adaptive equipment to navigate their new reality.

Multiple Bone Fractures

When a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle or thrown violently to the ground, they can suffer from multiple broken bones. While some fractures heal without complications, complex or compound fractures can lead to chronic pain, limited mobility, and long-term joint problems. 

Multiple fractures may require extensive surgeries, prolonged immobilization, and intensive physical therapy—sometimes requiring months or years of rehabilitation. Some victims never regain the level of function that they had before the accident. 

Internal Organ Damage

The force of impact in a pedestrian accident can cause severe internal injuries, including damage to the liver, spleen, kidneys, or lungs. Internal bleeding and organ failure are life-threatening emergencies; without immediate medical care, these injuries can be fatal.

Even after their conditions are stabilized, victims may also face long-term complications from organ damage. This may include reduced organ function, chronic pain, and an increased risk of future health problems.

Recover the Compensation You Deserve After a Pedestrian Accident

Catastrophic injuries from pedestrian accidents impose enormous physical, emotional, and financial burdens on victims and their families. Medical bills quickly spiral into hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Lost wages, diminished earning capacity, and the need for long-term care further compound the financial strain—not to mention the physical and emotional challenges that accompany these injuries.

If you or a loved one suffered a catastrophic injury in a pedestrian accident, you have the right to pursue a pedestrian accident legal claim in San Francisco against the person responsible. A San Francisco pedestrian accident lawyer can provide the guidance and support that you need to seek justice. Schedule a free legal consultation today to learn more about your options and begin your journey to compensation.

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